About Us

Facts You Should Know About MBI

Manna's School Verse

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart; for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts."

Jeremiah 15:16

Manna's Statement of Faith

Manna Bible Institute stands on the full authority of the Bible as God’s Holy Word.  We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God; that these Holy Scriptures are verbally inspired by God and inerrant in the original writings; and that they are the final and supreme authority in faith and life.  
The Bible alone forms the basis of the school’s Statement of Faith.  Examine our doctrinal statement by clicking the button below.

Manna's Mission Statement

Manna’s first Mission Statement was issued in 1948, the year MBI was incorporated as an educational institution.  The original statement read, “The objects and purposes are to teach nd equip students, by means of the study of the Bible and related subjects, to proclaim the Gospel, and instruct others in the Word of God, and to be prepared as missionaries, pastors, and the like.

 Since then, the Mission Statement was expanded to add greater depth to Manna’s objectives as an educational institution of biblical learning.  

Manna's Board, Administration, and Faculty

The school’s leadership is comprised of a dedicated Board of Directors elected annually by Manna’s Corporation of prayer and financial contributors, a committed Administration of women and men who manage the ongoing educational services of the school, and a well-qualified Faculty of professors who faithfully teach students on the three campuses of Manna Bible Institute.  Together they acknowledge one Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and serve in “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).  

The School Hymn

The School Hymn, “The Bible Stands,” is sung at every convocation and public event at MBI.  Written by Rev. Haldor Lillenas in 1917, just 37 years before Manna Bible Institute began, the hymn expresses the solid foundation of God’s Word upon which the school’s educational ministry is built.  The hymn expresses the endurance of God’s truth through all ages of time.  The hymn reminds us, each time it’s sung, that the Word we stand upon is living and powerful.