Academic Information

Academic Information

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."

2 Timothy 2:15

Manna Bible Institute is committed to the task of providing quality biblical education to students called by the Lord to Christian service.  Manna’s students and graduates serve in leadership roles in all forms of Christian service: in pastoral and evangelistic ministries, Christian education, missionary service, and in strategic involvement in community witness and outreach.

Read the message from Manna’s
Academic Dean, Dr. Cleonia J. Walker

Manna welcomes all students with a strong desire to study the Word of God, to our two-year Christian Workers’ Course and our four-year Standard Bible Course, regardless of the amount of previous academic work.  Many of our students have high school diplomas, some have college credits or degrees, while other students did not finish high school.  Manna provides help in reading, writing, and study skills through its English courses and Basic Orientation class

Christian Worker's Certificate

Standard Bible Course

The 2-year program is the first half of the Standard Bible Course.  Twenty-four courses are offered, three courses on Tuesday and Thursday nights for two semesters each year.  Many students prefer to take classes one night a week which extends the time needed to complete the program.

The 4-year program includes the full curriculum of forty-eight courses on the undergraduate level.   Courses are held on Tuesday and Thursday nights, three courses per night for two semesters each year.  Taking classes on one night extends the time needed to complete the program.

In both the 2-year and 4-year programs, Manna offers courses in Bible (the complete Bible is covered in the four-year program), Christian doctrine, church history, missions, evangelism, and in Pastoral and Practical Christian work.  On completion of the two-year program, the graduate receives the Preliminary Certificate of the Evangelical Training Association (ETA).  On completion of the four-year program, the graduate receives ETA’s Advanced Certificate and a Manna Bible Institute diploma.

Advanced School of Biblical Studies

Manna welcomes all students with approved Bible institute or college diplomas and a strong desire for further training to its Advanced School of Biblical Studies.  The advanced program consists of eight courses offered in modules of eight weeks each.  Each class is three hours long.  On completion of course work the graduate receives Manna’s Advanced diploma.  

Tuition and Fees

A Manna education is affordable.  The volunteer services of our faculty and the sacrificial gifts of God’s people make it possible for the costs of a student’s tuition to be kept at a minimum.  Tuition costs are low and cover the expenses of clerical work, printed course materials and maintenance of the campuses.  Textbooks are extra and amount to approximately $80.00 per year.

Registration Date for First Semester, 2022-23

Registration for first semester 2022-23 will be held on Tuesday, August 23rd from 6:30 to 9 p.m.  Thursday classes begin on August 25, 2022, and Tuesday classes on August 30, 2022.  Prospective students can take the first step in the process now by sending away for a free catalog and application forms.  Apply today by clicking the button below.


MBI Online Application Form

Why wait for an application form to arrive at your home by “snail mail”?  Apply online today and get approved for First Semester, 2022-23 classes that begin on August 25, 2022.  New students must be approved by Registration Night, August 23, for first semester classes.

ETA Affiliation

Manna Bible Institute has been a member of the Evangelical Training Association since 1958.  MBI grants ETA’s Preliminary Certificate to graduates in the Christian Worker’s Course, and ETA’s Advanced Certificate to graduates in the Standard Bible Course program.  To read about Manna’s ETA affiliation and to view the 18 ETA textbooks used at MBI, click the button to the right.

William L. Banks Memorial Library