MBI Mission Statement

Mission Statement

"Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart ... but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God."

2 Corinthians 4:1, 2b

TO TRAIN the student in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures in order that he will be intellectually and spiritually equipped to teach others.

TO EQUIP the student for the defense of the Gospel in a day of apostasy, and to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints both in beliefs and behavior.

TO NURTURE the student in the Word of God for the purpose of guiding him toward Christian maturity and the ability to evaluate those gifts and skills be-stowed on him by the Holy Spirit, and to help him discover his place in the service of Christ and humanity.

TO HELP the student toward such personality development and the acquisition of such skills as are necessary in church-related vocations and lay ministries.

TO ASSIST the student in an understanding of his own and other cultures and of the role of his culture in today’s world.

TO CHALLENGE the student to think logically and in harmony with the Word of God, to understand the methods and means of research common to Bible study and independent study, and to aid the student in interpreting his findings in the light of a biblical worldview and skillfully communicate them to others with persuasion and power.

TO TEACH the student the value of a life of personal separation to God, the privilege and potential of the prayer life, and the necessity for proper motives in all of life and labor.

TO IMPART to the student an abiding sense of the spiritual need a lost world, and specifically to equip many to answer the challenge of inner-city ministry with all its opportunities for evangelism and Christian education.